Thursday, November 21, 2013

Opa Cruise Endorsement

Fr. David C. Rucker

“The Lord reigns; He is robed in majesty. . . . The floods have lifted up, O God, the floods have lifted up their voice, the floods have lifted up their roaring. Mightier than the thunder of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty. Thy decrees are very sure; holiness befits Thy house, O Lord, forevermore.”  (Ps 93:1-5)

It is one thing to recite this passage while preparing bread and wine for the Divine Liturgy standing on the firm ground of a church sanctuary. It is a different experience altogether to pray this Psalm while preparing bread and wine for a Liturgy on the stern of a cruise ship overlooking the dazzling Caribbean sea.

But I am getting ahead of myself.  It all started a year ago when, with the blessing of Metropolitan ALEXIOS, Pres. Rozanne and I were invited to be “Chaplains” on the annual Opa! Cruise.  Parishioners from St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church, in Belleview, Florida (serving the greater Ocala area) had dreamed up this cruise as a way for Orthodox Christians to enjoy fellowship, raise funds for a good cause, and have fun. Although I love fishing and playing in the water, cruises had never interested me. I equated “cruising” with lavish excess and self-indulgent luxury.  When I found out my wife, Pres. Rozanne, would be unable to get time off work to accompany me, it was an easy decision. There was no way I would even consider going on a cruise alone.

Just when I was ready to give my polite regrets, my wife commented, “You know, your mother has always dreamed of going on a cruise.” Actually, I had no idea, but at Pres. Rozanne’s urging, I delayed turning down the invitation, and decided to float the idea with my mom. My mother, in her younger years, had been a well known speaker and world-traveler in the Protestant church, serving for many years in mission administration with my father.  Normally, she would have jumped at an opportunity like this. But she had been ill in recent years and had let her passport expire. I really didn’t know if she would be up to the experience. But when I called her, Mom was enthusiastic. My wife had been right—going on a cruise would fulfill Mom’s life-long dream. So I decided to dive in!

From the time we boarded the ship until we walked off the gangplank for the last time, every day exceeded my expectations. Yes, the food was wonderful. Yes, the personal service on board was excellent, and the amenities luxurious. Yes, waking up at a different port was an exciting adventure. Yet those were not the things that got me hooked on the Opa! Cruise.

What made the voyage worthwhile was…
·         the privilege of serving the Holy Eucharist to over 300 Orthodox Christians gathered together from all over the country to enjoy each other and celebrate God’s marvelous creation;
·         beginning each morning with prayers at sea;
·         anointing with holy oil those praying for loved ones back home;
·         sitting and listening without having to think about the next appointment or commitment;
·         spending time with my mother in a setting that allowed us to laugh and talk, during a stage of life that rarely allows for such moments;
·         getting to share—with a captive audience!—what God is doing in Guatemala and Mexico through Orthodox missionaries.

I have been asked to serve as Priest and Chaplain again in 2014 and this time, Pres. Rozanne will get to come with me! Our new missionary assignment has us living and working in a remote mountain village in Guatemala among an indigenous people group who are among the tens of thousands of Central Americans “coming home” to the Orthodox Church.  We look forward to telling stories, sharing music, and showing pictures to “take you there” during lecture sessions on board.  We can’t wait to hang out with “old friends” again, and to meet all the new ones.  See you aboard, God willing!  

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